Posts tagged weight loss
Can I Diet to Lose Weight Before Starting Intuitive Eating?

Pretty much everyone who is interested in intuitive eating holds some desire for weight loss, because otherwise they’d already be a pretty intuitive eater. We live in a culture that is obsessed with dieting and thinness. So of course the question of can I diet to lose weight before starting intuitive eating is a common one. In this post, I dive into why you don’t have to lose weight before starting intuitive eating, and why you can start eating more intuitively today!

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The Truth About Before and After Weight Loss Pictures

Feeling inadequate after seeing someone’s before and after weight loss picture? We’ve all seen how photoshop, different poses and clothes can distort things, but the problem with these pictures goes deeper than that. The truth about before and after weight loss pictures is that they’re a fleeting moment in time, and never communicate the whole story.

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